Monday 14 November 2011

Front Door

So I was feeling a little flat this week. Somehow in the back and forth I had forgotten which front entry door/sidelights I'd approved. And when I saw the side lights / door frame on site I hated them :(

I remembered considering the style with two wide glass sidelights but I thought I'd opted for wooden and glass strip sidelights instead. But I could not remember and the kids have stashed the final colour selection notes somewhere.

So I emailed the builder and I HAD ordered the wooden and glass sidelights - and what had been delivered to the site was in error.

It would not have been the end of the world had we had the others - but I really like the front door set I chose and so I am pleased that it turns out I DID sign off on them.

So here's what we chose (but with clear glass sidelights)! Won't be here for a few weeks yet.

Not much movement at the house today, other than bricking of the front pillars is complete. Looks a little rough at the moment, but the top part are to be rendered. Will try and spin past to take photos tomorrow.


  1. Very grand. Will match your roof colour. Do you get to chose your doorbell too?
