Wednesday 1 January 2014

The pot made it...

As per the title, the pot made it - and the stool didn't. I was actually a little uncertain on the colour - but the shattered bits proved it would have been perfect! No thinking about that (am still a bit pissed off!). On the plus side, it was an awesome surprise for my mother-in-law. I dropped the pot off at her home (in the spot she'd mentally planned it for). She came in very late from work that night and did not immediately notice it. But after a few minutes she spotted it and was apparently just thrilled. So it was worth it :)

In other news, it's New Years day today, and I am making my resolutions :) There are a whole heap, but one is to really get going with the house. I have been slowly making a move with things, but slowly is the operative word :( In 2014 I want to do more with the house and the garden.

The last 3 years have been hectic. REALLY hectic. This year Oscar is off to school, and Adelaide to kinder, and so I want to take the chance to really settle into this space. I want to sort. And clean. And organise. And decorate! I also want/need to clean a bit more. We've literally had something on every day for the last 3 or 4 weeks, so I am setting some time aside in early January to do my (belated) Spring clean.

The garden is starting to come together a bit. The gardenias are starting to bloom which pleases me no end :) Will try to get a photo of them this week. We'll see how I go - that garden bed needs weeding, so I'll need to do that first!

In upcoming plans, I am looking to work on two rooms - Oscar's bedroom and the sitting room. Both will require painting, and so I am starting to butter Sean up :P Will be back soon with moodboards for each.

Happy New Years loyal readers. Hoping 2014 is a good year for all :)

1 comment:

  1. Oscar is off to school? Where has the time gone? It doesn't seem that long ago you were announcing his birth <3.

    Happy new year lovely.
