Friday 28 September 2012

Curtains (and blinds) and doggie door

Today more curtains and blinds were installed. Master bedroom, ensuite blinds, main bathroom blinds and sheers in the sitting room.

I am delighted! The master bedroom curtains and sheers were the ones I most wondered about. I worried would they be the right colours? Would they look as I'd imagined?

Well I am pleased to say they look even better than I'd imagined :)

Thanks Margie for doing such a great job! And R for the inspiration.

Master bedroom

Same from different angle

LOVE the box pleat sheers

From outside they look great too

The sitting room window

The ensuite blind is great, too

In other news, we also had the dog door installed for the pugs. It's in the window opening out onto the paved area off the meals area. Took a little while for them to get used to it - but it helped that it is the same style as they're used to at the old place.

Might need to put a little mat there for them



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  2. The curtains and blinds are now installed.

    I am delighted! The master bedroom curtains and sheers were the ones I most wondered about. I worried would they be the right colors? Would they look as I'd imagined?
    Luckily, they were perfect! The colors matched the walls perfectly and they looked just as I'd wanted.

    It was a relief to have them installed and now the whole room looks so much better. The curtains and blinds really finished it off nicely.

    I'm? Would they look as I'd imagined?

    The curtains are lovely, with a very subtle damask pattern which adds some texture to the room without detracting from the other features. The blinds are perfect too - a good, neutral shade which will complement any paint job.

    In the bathroom, the blinds are a great choice as they provide privacy while still allowing some natural light in. And in the living room, the sheer curtains add a touch of elegance and sophistication.
