Tuesday 14 February 2012

Site Meeting

So now the architraves are up, Margie stopped by to do a proper measure up. Jury is still out on exactly what I am doing curtain wise - but with her having the correct measurements, when I do decide it should be easy enough to do an order.

So to arrange access, and go through my questions, I arranged to meet Andrew our site supervisor there beforehand.

We had a really productive meeting - and it was great to see what's been/being done.  The downpipes are on and, as expected, the one on the front porch looks chunderous. Thankfully that's not permanent (just needs to be there to pass building inspection) and today we discussed the positioning of the pit for my rain chain. I am so pleased with that solution to the issue.

The bricks have also been washed down, so everything is looking cleaner, now. My deck is finished, as is the gable, so other than a few bits of timber beading, painting, porch and the driveway, outside is done.

Inside there's been a lot of progress, too. My floors are finished! And they look spectacular :D The colour, variations, grain etc. are just gorgeous. It's like having art on my floor! The wall we moved has now been plastered and re-corniced, and without a doubt it was worth it. Worth every single cent. The house now flows. The hallway isn't dark. It doesn't feel like the natural order is broken. I can't explain it more than to say that before it didn't work and now it does.

In the meeting, we mostly just chatted about my thoughts on fixings and finishings - and I was happy to hear that Andrew has pretty similar views on things to myself.

So without further ado, here are the latest pics. Not that different to the set before - but I am sure you'll humour me ;)

Front - with fugly downpipe.

Hallway post wall move. The line on the ceiling
gives an idea of where the wall was.

Looking into our spare room.

Walking along the hallway looking
through the windows across to the
french doors into the living area.

Standing in the corner of our bedroom
facing towards the ensuite.

From the other corner looking towards
the entry doors and the WIR.

The entire wall.


  1. You're right, the moving of the hallway wall makes a huge impact! A HUGE improvement.

    Do you have carpet anywhere in your house? I love the floorboards and would love to have them in bedrooms in our next house, but the husband won't agree to it.

    It's coming a long way!!!

  2. No carpet at all, April. Our current home has none, either, and I love it. So much easier to clean :)
