Thursday 19 July 2012

Termite Protection and Building Inspection

So a couple of days ago I spun past the site and saw the termite protection being done. So that's another thing ticked off!

Termite protection going in

And today the finisher was there sorting out bits and pieces ahead of the painters coming back. Specifically my robe heights have been moved up - something which pleases me! Also little other bits and bobs such as the cap on my study nook cable run spot etc.

Apparently the building inspector for occupancy certificate was there today, too. All is good to go other than 3 very minor issues:
  • First is that the step down from the laundry door to outside was too big. We will be addressing this when we landscape, but they've added a 'dirt step' there for handover
  • Second was that the front elevation does not comply with the submitted plans (render to piers) but provided I write a letter stating I do not want the render anymore then that will be passed
  • Third is that one of the windows is missing the etching in the corner which declares it to be safety glass. while it obviously is, to be passed officially there needs to be a letter from the window supplier confirming it
Robe height adjusted up

Front cupboard changed from coat
cupboard to school bags etc. cupboard

Cap in for the cables in my study nook

Not our actual mixer.
We're getting a smaller one (which I will
probably replace).

View out the back now the dirt is gone!

And in the other direction.

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