Having Sean home for a few days has been awesome. He's helped with all sorts of small and niggling jobs which combine to make life that much easier and more pleasant. An example of one is Robie - my robotic vacuum cleaner.
Quite some months back, Robie stopped working. He would balefully bleat something (in Korean) and then turn himself off. I was not pleased. Robie, while not brilliant with corners and going around chair legs, was awesome at lowering the general 'furriness' of the house. With him giving up the ghost, keeping the floors fur-free was much much harder.
Eventually I thought perhaps he could be saved, so I sent a recording of his statements off to a girlfriend for her (Korean born) husband to interpret. As well as telling us he was "Pleased to service us through cleaning" (?!) Robie was also telling us there was a problem with his RPM. A bit of online research, and Sean pulling Robie apart to get to the source of the distress, and voila. Robie is back on board. I must admit that's my Christmas present there. Clean floors with 0 effort from me? Yeah - I'll take that.
A happy Robie means a happy me
Have also been filing, sorting, polishing, gardening and have built a gingerbread house. The kids took an hour to make it - and about 20 minutes later started to eat it!